It is unfortunate that most local businesses are missing a lot by ignoring (or not knowing) how mobile-friendly websites can generate more sales and profits.
Most business owners are not aware of the problem that their customers and potential customers are going through when trying to access their websites using a mobile device.
Most people today use their mobile phones to perform a wide variety of tasks including searching the web, chatting, paying bills, banking, playing games – just to name a few.
In fact, mobile internet usage is gaining popularity at an amazing speed and is expected to exceed desktop internet usage soon. Millions of people own mobile phones and a large number of them carry them everywhere they go.
But what happens when they click on your business website and it doesn’t load? What if it does load, but they have to scroll all over the place just to find your phone number or address? When visitors run into problems like these, they usually leave the site quickly.
A mobile website is one that allows easy access via mobile phones and related devices. Most traditional websites are designed for computers, which is why they give mobile phone users a hard time. Due to the processing power and the small screen size of mobile phones, users are forced to wait for minutes before a traditional website loads on their phone.
If you want to market your business using a website, you should not half-step on the process; you should ensure that your customers and potential customers can access your website no matter what method they’re using to access it.
Try going to your website using a mobile phone and if it gives you a hard time, it means that you need a mobile website. Most people do not have the time to wait minutes for a website to load; so they will move on to a faster loading website, which probably belongs to your direct competitor.
The fact that people are attracted to businesses with mobile-friendly sites means that all local business owners should do their best to set up a mobile-friendly version of their websites. People who access the internet on their mobile phones are usually “on-the-go” and you should make it easy for them to visit your website if you really want to make them happy. This will work well towards increasing the traffic to your website as well as increasing sales and, ultimately, profits.