When people think of “paid traffic,” what they usually mean is Facebook ads or perhaps something like Google display ads. In fact, a lot of people are probably not aware there are other options and display advertising is one of the best.
Facebook ads and Google Adwords are not your only options?
By now it seems like everyone’s had an opportunity to create a Facebook post and boost it or even perhaps to buy a Facebook advertising campaign. And I’m sure you’ve probably seen the coupons for Google Adwords campaigns that seem to float around everywhere.
But what you might not be aware of is that display advertising is another option that you should consider. In fact, there are websites all over that sell advertising spots using a variety of display ad networks. In fact, display ads also show in mobile apps.
The primary reason that people have not used display ad networks in the past is because it’s really been hidden in the realm of the larger companies, until now!
Display Ad Options
Display ads represent an entirely different option and you may know these as banner ads because that is a very common type of display ad. But those are not the only type of display ads. In fact, there are also video ads and dozens of different sizes and placements.
Retargeting Campaigns
One of the most amazing things you can do with display advertising is called retargeting. With retargeting you can track visitors to your website and your advertising and show your offers to them repeatedly at a very low cost.
This is an amazing strategy because it utilizes all of the other advertising and marketing that you’ve already done to drive people to your website and allows you to get a second chance to get in front of them.
Marketing Pixels
The big secret to retargeting is something called a pixel. And no, we’re not talking about a pixel on a screen or the cell phone from Google called a pixel. In this instance, we’re talking about a cookie that is stored in someone’s browser after they visit a website that tracks who they are and lets us know when they visit another website where we would like to display advertising.
It’s very likely you’ve experienced having a pixel yourself when you were shopping for something on an eCommerce site and then later went to somewhere like a news site or a sports site and saw the same items you were shopping for displayed in the advertising.
The reason the website knows to target you with those specific ads directly related to what you were earlier doing inside of an eCommerce store or that it knows to show you ads about something you’re interested in is that you have been pixeled.
You could think of this as your second chance to market to your customers even after they leave!
Every business should now be retargeting
It used to be that only very large businesses with very expensive access to what’s called “big data” were capable of retargeting their customers and showing them additional advertising once they had identified that they were interested in a product or service. But thanks to technology today anyone can do it and that’s something we specialize in helping people with.
What makes what we do very unique is that we’re capable of doing more than just Facebook retargeting and Google Adwords retargeting. We’re able to work with dozens of ad networks and get your company in front of people on their favorite websites that they visit every day.
Both cold and retargeting display ad traffic campaigns are an excellent option for making all the rest of your marketing and advertising efforts more powerful and effective.
We highly recommend it for every type of business. If you want more customers, you should be doing this. If you’re interested in display advertising and want seasoned experts to help you navigate the process, we are here to help!